it happened on 19 April where all of us had finished our last final examination.
18 of us decided went to Tao at Autocity 2 have a grand celebration n farewell.
i went make up at beauty impact ,
and it end up like dis ....

its terrible ! i prefer my face b4 make up ><
v reach Tao almost 7pm n i saw the table had fulled with delicous FOOD !!!
the thing i would like 2 emphasize is I FALL IN LOVE v the environment
it make me snap pictures non-stop throughout the nite ^^

this is the scence i capture from my seat.
it is Swensens located beside Tao.
actually we snap pictures more than v ate ,
perhaps dis will b the last chance all of us meet 2gather,
coz after 2day some of us will no longer study 2gather

whenever there is a camera flashing,
there will b a bunch of ppl ready 4 it.
i guess all of us would like 2 hav a memorable nite.

the guys " Yam Seng " happily.
i guess dat nite the restaurant were full of our laughness^^

taking picture with ah gu coz he is leaving us soon.
he will b studying in INTI in the future.

taking picture v my lao gong

taking picture v my BFFs ,
unfortunately Emily is not here.
She will b another leaving us soon T.T

have a group picture b4 all of us went home^^

n this is the bill ~
i have an unforgettable memories throughout dis 2 years studying in TARC
= = Thanks all my dear friends = =